

Explore + Validate Your



Build out your big vision, clarify the problems + solutions then run experiments to validate them and bring your moonshot to reality.



Validate Your Moonshot

Build your moonshot, where it all begins. Build out your big vision and clarify the problems the solutions and run them through experiments to bring your moonshot to reality.

The Moonshot helps Startups...

Explore your Moonshot and your vision of the future.

Identify the core problems and solutions to solve them.

Test & validate with problem vs solution experiments.

The Moonshot is all about pushing your own potential to deliver values to humankind that wouldn't exist if it wasn't for you. The purpose of Capsole is to help you push for and achieve that potential within you.

5 Stages of A Moonshot

Clarify your why and mission

Clarify your mission and map out your big vision​

Gain depth and understanding to overcome your biggest challenges in the way to achieving your moonshot.

The Big Vision

Map out the big vision.

The Capsole Platform helps you clarify your big vision and ground it down into an executable plan of action.


A major benefit of Capsole is that it’s all built and focused around your Moonshot. Every component ties back to the moonshot and moving it forward.


The Vision is where the foundation for your entire venture is defined. Answer thought provoking and important questions and build out your ultimate vision.

Organize your market research

Measure Market Potential.

Find problem solution fit ...early.

In the Moonshot you pinpoint critical problems and craft innovative solutions to solve them. But before you commit your solution into full-scale product development, validate it. Conduct experiments to ensure your solution not only addresses the problem effectively (hypothesis validation) but also warrants a spot on your product roadmap. 

Let the Moonshot guide you from ideation to implementation, ensuring every step is data-driven and success-oriented.

Problem Segments

Identify your big moonshot problem and then the smaller problems within it you can build solutions for.


Solution Segments

Strategize your big moonshot solution and the smaller solutions within it you can test against the problem they solve to validate.


Identify your big moonshot problem and then the smaller problems within it you can build solutions for.

The Problems

Identify the core moonshot problem + segments

This is the core of the moonshot. The moonshot by definition is solving several big problems to achieve the currently unachievable. The goal here is to be very clear on every aspect of the problem in order to understand what solutions are required.


Evolve over stages.

The Solutions

Identify the core moonshot solution + segments

Solutions are what you spend all your time building. Each solution may help solve 1 or more of the identified challenges within the problem.

Run Experiments

Test problems vs solutions with experiments.

Match your potential solutions vs the actual problem to see if it’s viable to bring to add into your product or service.

Problem Segment

within the core problem



that could overcome challenge

We all have a dream. We all have a vision. There is a moonshot inside of each of us. This is your life, make it a mission. Build your moonshot.

Plan, Build & Grow Your Startup

Brand, Website, Marketing Automation

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The Startup Launchpad

Done-For-You Brand + Website + Sales Automation

We take startups from nothing to a fully branded, optimized and launched digital presence. Then help them grow and evolve month after month.
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